The "Carrier Profile" includes a history of convictions, administrative penalties for impaired driving charges, CVSA inspections, and collisions provided to Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors (TEC) by law enforcement and other government agencies. Other information such as impaired driving contraventions, inspection station certifications, audits, and notices documenting violations may also be displayed. The Carrier Profile is used to identify carriers that pose an unacceptable risk to the public. Information contained in the Carrier Profile will be considered when establishing a carrier's safety fitness rating.
Carriers are encouraged to obtain and review their Carrier Profile regularly to help evaluate the effectiveness of their safety and maintenance programs.
The actual description and coding of events are worded using criteria set by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) and therefore may not be the same wording that appears on law enforcement documentation.
The carrier's current compliance standing can be found in "Part 1 - Carrier Information". This will always reflect events that have occurred in the previous 12 months from the printed date regardless of the Profile Period Start and End Date.
All reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report. If any information shown in this profile is in question, contact Alberta Transportation at 403-755-6111 or email with all relevant, inaccurate information, such as document number, date, driver and vehicle information, and indicate the error(s).
An Education Manual has been developed to assist carriers with compliance to transportation safety legislation. The manual and other information regarding Alberta's safety fitness program can be viewed on the internet at: